HomeCar Rental System Using PHP
Car Rental System Using PHP
Car Rental System Using PHP

Car Rental System Using PHP

Product Description

This is a PHP project. You can use as a College project. This file includes All the project files, Databases, Documentations. For any kind of help please contact me at info@codetherush.in or kr3.ritesh@gmail.com Or contact me through Call/Whatsapp +91-9206928346 For the complete post please visit to my site http://codetherush.in/car-rental-system-using-php/


The main objective of the application car Rental System requires a temporary vehicle, for example, those who do not own their own car, or owners of damaged or destroyed vehicles who are awaiting repair or insurance compensation or travellers who are out of town.

System Actors(Users) Admin Registered Users Guest Users Admin Features

Admin Login Admin can Add New vehicle brand Details Admin can Manage Vehicle Brand Details(Edit, Delete) Admin can Add New Vehicle Details Admin Can Manage vehicle Details(Edit, Delete) Admin can Manage Booking details(Admin can confirm and Cancel Booking) Admin Can Manage Testimonial Details (Active and Inactive) Admin Can Manage to Contact us Query Admin Can Check All registered users details admin can update other page content Like about us details, term and Condition Page etc Admin can update the contact details dynamically Admin Can Manage Subscribers Admin Can Change Password Admin Dashboard has(Count all users, Count total booking, Count total subscribers, Count total queries etc)

Registered User Features

New User can Register through Registration page Registered User can login with valid email and password User Can Recover Forget password after Providing Some Correct Information User can find car details and Booked car User can View Car booking history User Can Check Booking Status(admin can approve or disapprove) User can Update their Profile User Can Update their Password User Can Add New Testimonials Logout

Guest User Features

Guest user can view the website and Surfe/Find Car details The guest user can also enquirer through contact us page. Software Requirements

XAMPP server Language Used Front End(User Interface) HTML 5 , AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP Server Language PHP 5.5 Backe End MYSQL How to run Project

  1. Download and Unzip file on your local system copy car rental .
  2. Put car rental folder inside root directory

Database Configuration

Open PHPMyAdmin Create Database Online_Car_Rental Import database carrental.sql (available inside zip package)

Registered User

Open Your browser put inside browser “http://localhost/carrental” Login Details for user: test@gmail.com/Test@12345

For Admin Panel

Open Your browser put inside browser “http://localhost/Online_Car_Rental/admin” Login Details for admin: admin/admin


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